The benefits problem is an important realistic problem, is also a serious problem of the philosophical theory. 利益问题是一个重大的现实问题,同时也是一个严肃的哲学理论问题。
A philosophical theory of the functions of signs and symbols. 关于标记和符号功能的哲学理论。
Of or concerned with the philosophical theory of literature known as deconstructionism. 属于或关于文学理论中拆析哲学的。
From the meaning of Philosophical theory, we should have a correct understanding of socialist core value system constructing subject, so that it can be put into practice. 从哲学意义上讲,正确认识社会主义核心价值体系建设的主体,社会主义核心价值体系建设才能落到实处。
The philosophical theory that the self is all that you know to exist. 哲学理论认为自我是能够感觉到的唯一存在。
The philosophical theory that formal ( logical or mathematical) statements have no meaning but that its symbols ( regarded as physical entities) exhibit a form that has useful applications. 哲学理论认为形式(逻辑或数学)陈述没有意义,陈述的符号表现形式有实用性。
In the course of its transformation, there appeared three combinations, namely, materialism with dialectics, materialism with a practice viewpoint, and dialectics with a practice viewpoint, forming a trinity core of the philosophical theory. 马克思哲学变革过程中,发生过“三个结合”,即唯物论与辩证法、唯物论与实践观、辩证法与实践观的相结合,形成了唯物观、辩证观、实践观三位一体的哲学理论内核。
Ethics is a philosophy of value about morals and a philosophical theory about life and society. 伦理学是一门关于道德的价值哲学与人生、社会哲学学说。
Derrida's deconstruction theory is the contemplation of the two world wars and the reflection of political, economic and cultural conflict in France in general, and at the same time it also inherits and develops Husserl's and Heidegger's philosophical theory. 德里达的解构理论,从总体上看是对两次世界大战反思的结果,也是法国所固有的政治、经济、文化矛盾的反映,同时又是对胡塞尔、海德格尔哲学理论的继承和发展。
How we should apply the Marx's philosophical theory of liberty and freedom in present life. 马克思哲学生活解放与自由诉求理念的当代实践。
Kant's intellectuality dialectic is the threshold for the classical German philosophical theory. 康德自在的知性辩证法是德国古典哲学理论辩证法的开端。
The criticism and transcendence to Hegelian mentalism and Feuerbach's visual materialism is the new materialism philosophical theory origination of Marx. 对黑格尔唯心主义和费尔巴哈直观唯物主义的批判与超越,是马克思建立新唯物主义哲学的理论起点。
The significance of philosophical theory of value is metaphysical, not positivistic. Epistemology is not theory of knowledge, but about the historical unity of factual judgment and value judgment. 哲学价值论的价值,不是实用意义上的,而是形而上学意义上的,认识论不是知识论,主要应研究事实判断和价值判断的历史统一性。
Philosophical theory is explanatory and interpretive in nature and has nothing to do with prediction. 哲学理论完全是解释性的、理解性的、和预言毫无关系。
The Philosophical Theory of Intersubjectivity and the Development of Translation Studies 主体间性理论与翻译研究的嬗变
The meaning of philosophical theory mainly lies in the meaning of mode of philosophical thinking. 哲学理论的意义主要在于哲学思维方式的意义。
He was engaged in the research of philosophical theory and the history of Chinese philosophy in all his life. 他毕生从事哲学理论和中国哲学史的研究。
The paper adopts a different angle, which is far from traditional opinion of Individualism and Economic Order written by Hayek, that considers the total book has built a bridge between individualism as a philosophical theory and economic order as an economy conception. 本文对哈耶克的名著《个人主义与经济秩序》采用与传统观点不同的视角,认为全书通篇旨在为个人主义这一哲学理论和经济秩序这一经济学概念间建构一座桥梁。
The development of the voluntarism philosophical theory in China is mainly attributed to Wang Guowei's endeavor. 以叔本华为源头的唯意志主义哲学思想在中国的发展与王国维的努力是分不开的。
The top ideal of modern creative writing would be the unification of the insight philosophical theory and operated practice. 现代写作学学科话语的最高理想是哲理性与操作性的统一,即理论的深刻性与实践有效性的统一。
The relations between the mind and body is a task attended by philosophy and medicine, we can find the historical imprint of philosophical theory and doctrine about the problem of mind and body from the development of medicine. 心与身的关系,历来就是哲学与医学共同关注的课题,有关心身问题的各种哲学理论和学说都可以在医学的发展中找到其历史的印记。
Some Subjects of Scientific Philosophical Theory 科学哲学理论中的几个主题
Marxist philosophy of innovation related to the life of Marxism, this innovation is a reflection and beyond which the philosophical theory of reality and consciously practice, the study of system philosophy is the philosophy of innovation needs for Marxist philosophy. 马克思主义哲学的创新关系到马克思主义的生命,这种创新是哲学对实践的自觉理论反思与超越,对制度进行哲学研究是马克思主义哲学创新的结果。
Based on historical research, it need bring in modern philosophical theory and research production of ethnology and anthropology to enrich its own argumentation. 对西方天主教伦理观的研究属于跨学科的文化研究范围,它立足于历史研究,同时需要引进现代哲学理论、社会学的比较分析方法,以及民族学和人类学的研究成果来丰富自身的论证。
This paper drawed on the "philosophical paradigm" of philosophical theory of value, which emphasizes on the value of the relationship between the mankind and world, and the combination of facts and values, purpose and meaning, instrumental rationality and value rationality. 本文借鉴哲学价值论的哲学研究范式,即重视人与世界的价值关系,以评价判断为核心,强调事实与价值的结合,目的与手段的结合,工具理性与价值理性的结合。
Philosophy has its inherent systemic but it is also layered, philosophical theory is not based on the distinction between nationality, as the application of philosophical philosophy is the national character. 哲学是具有其内在的系统性同时又是具有层次性的,哲学基础理论没有民族性的区分,而作为应用哲学层面的哲学是具有民族性的。
Before Marxist philosophy, including the old philosophical theory of human nature, as they leave the specific social relations and seek people to talk about the nature and are into the abstract theory of human nature. 马克思主义以前包括东西哲学在内的旧哲学的人性理论,由于它们离开人的具体的社会关系去谈论和寻求人的本质而都陷入了抽象的人性论。
However, the value choice of the inquiry focused on only a certain area or certain aspects of research, not a philosophical theory to do a systematic inquiry. 但是,在对价值选择问题的探究上只是侧重从某个方面或者某些方面进行研究,没有从哲学的理论高度对其进行系统探究。
This is basis of his all philosophical theory and mathematical idea. 这是其整个哲学理论、数学思想的根基。
With the development of the philosophical theory, the discovery on questions of knowing and doing has experienced a historical developing process of gradually going to science. 伴随着哲学理论的发展,知行问题的探索经历了一个逐步走向科学的历史发展过程。